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Get Involved

Get Involved

Get more involved by becoming a member, attending open virtual meetings, and joining our email list for news and events. Volunteering?

BPA Membership

Anyone may join the BPA by making a donation of $10 or more. You can pay online securely with PayPal below or fill out this 2025 Membership Form and mail in your check to BPA Membership, 4 Burnham Pkwy, Morristown, NJ 07960. 
Dues and involvement with the BPA is strictly voluntary. Those who live in the BPA neighborhood are not compelled to pay dues. We welcome your support, encourage participation and recommend that you sign up for the BPA email list (below) so that you are informed of BPA, neighborhood and Morristown / Morris Township activity. Check the Volunteer box if you would like to volunteer with us!

The BPA is a 501c(4) not-for-profit organization - that is, a civic association for social welfare and eligible to engage in activities aimed at influencing political or legislative outcomes. Contributions to 501c(4) organizations are NOT tax-deductible, as would be contributions to the more common 501c(3) not-for-profits (public charities, private foundations, etc.).

Our Membership Year matches the Calendar Year. Dues paid in the last 3 months of the Calendar Year are credited towards the next Membership Year.

Membership Form

Select your dues level and pay securely through PayPal.

Select an item ($)

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BPA Open Meetings

BPA Then-Now Paula prez
Arbor Day 2019-04 volunteers,  BPA Unity Charter Clean Communities.JPG

BPA virtual meetings are held monthly except for April (Arbor Day month), mid-summer and December. All are welcome and encouraged to attend, regardless of membership status. 

Want to learn more?

Join our e-news list for the latest news and events

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